Turn and Burn Page 12
He lifted those damn broad shoulders. “You can fight your nerves, or whatever’s holding you up from making a clean start. You can keep swearing it’s a mechanical problem, when we all know it ain’t. Or, you can ask me to wipe everything out of your head except the thought of how good Caroline’s little tongue is gonna feel when you kick her ass.”
Caroline’s cry rang through the silent woods. “Oh, in her dreams. I’ve been waitin’ on this for a long time. Hope you ate some rich girl pussy at college, Shelby. I ain’t got time for no amateur head.”
I wrenched around to stare over the top of the car, but I was too damn short and her new car sat too low for me to see her, so I just yelled. “Do you get head from many women, Caroline?”
“No, baby.” She giggled. “I been savin’ my girl-on-girl cherry for you all this time. Can’t wait to feel those dainty fingers slidin’ in and out of my pussy, even though I doubt you can make me scream. Maybe Caine and this hot little number you brought along will dive right in for seconds. But all you’re gonna get is my cream on your chin.”
“I grew up in the wrong goddamn town,” Jonny blurted. “Fuck me, are y’all serious?”
Caroline’s teasing tone evaporated. “Get her ass behind the wheel and find out.” She gunned the Viper’s engine, then let the motor idle. “If she can get that bitch off the start line, that is.”
I tried to think of a way to back out of this, but all I could think about were all the nights spent out here that culminated in the best sex of my life. And how close Caine stood. I realized I stared at the growing bulge in his Wranglers and jerked my gaze to his face.
Caine grinned like he’d learned how from the devil himself. “The Shelby I used to know would be christening Caroline’s hood in... oh, maybe fifteen seconds from now. If you let me and Jonny help, you can make her use her tongue for somethin’ besides talkin’ smack. Or... not.”
Heat flashed over my skin, leaving a fine film of perspiration. The hard thump in my clit made me squeeze my thighs together. Caine’s grin said he knew that, too.
The promise of explosive orgasms that shook me to the core was something I should resist, but four years of lackluster sex danced in my brain. Blood rushed to my folds and I was already wet. I’d taken enough Psychology courses to know that Caine might have a point about the operant conditioning that made my brain connect sex with racing. Every time I’d raced in the past, I’d been aroused out of my mind. All I’d wanted was to hit that finish line and collect my trophy fuck.
Why not go along with this? I’d almost fucked Jonny the day before—and still wanted to. Fucking Caine might be the best way—the only way—to get him to screw Colt, metaphorically speaking, if I could figure out a way to do that.
“You better know how this is done, Caroline.” Spinning, I yanked open the door and gripped the top edge of the doorframe, butting my ass against Caine’s groin.
His chuckle sent a shiver down my spine. Or maybe it was due to the way he gripped my hips. “Nice try, but you ain’t in charge. Pull those pants all the way down. Then ask Jonny real nice if he’d put his fingers in your pussy. My palm’s itchin’ to get reacquainted with your ass.”
Chapter Thirteen
Jonny hustled around the car to sit in the driver’s seat. As soon as I was poised between his legs, Caine dragged my tights down. Cool air collided with my overheated sex. While I spread my legs as wide as I could, Caine massaged my bottom. Oh, God, the sensation of those large, rough hands—
Jonny held my gaze. “Lose the top. I want to watch your nipples get hard.”
Caine chuckled, peering over my shoulder. “She’s the hottest woman I’ve ever had my hands on. Those little buds are already like rocks, I bet. But she does gush when you bite down on one.”
I ripped my shirt over my head. I was bare-assed naked in broad daylight, on the side of a road. The risk only drove me higher.
“Nobody comes until someone wins,” Caine explained. “Out here, you gotta earn that right.” He leaned in to nuzzle my neck. “This is more about power than sex, Jonny. Not all of the crowd we run with has cash to throw around. If they do, they’d rather spend it on their car. And nobody, except Dad, apparently, would bet their damn car title.”
“I can understand that.” Jonny’s head bobbed, but I was more enthralled by the way he dragged his fingertips down my abdomen. “It would be a powerful thing, to be worshipped sexually for winning. Much more addictive than money changing hands.” He touched my clit with the pad of his fingertip. Lightning sizzled through me.
I’d never really thought of this game in those terms. I always felt guilty whenever I woke from dreams of those long-ago nights, sweating and aroused out of my mind. I’d told myself over and over that feeling anything except self-loathing was wrong. That Colt and Caine had made me into a slut and a plaything.
The fact that I stood here willingly, while a guy I’d only met yesterday ran his index finger along my slit, proved just how addictive I’d found their little game. This was a power trip like no other. When Colt told me what was really going on, the knowledge robbed me of any power.
That’s when I’d begun to feel like a slut, not while I was being fucked by guys with admiration in their eyes. Ever since, I’d felt like the foolish king in The Emperor’s New Clothes, unable to trust my own judgment when it came to men. I tended to pick guys I was less attracted to, physically. To avoid making another huge mistake.
When Caine gave my bottom a squeeze, a shudder shook me. Before I could tense for the first blow, Jonny’s finger pierced me, and I was right back in high school, thrilled, and at the same time, shattered by the knowledge of what was to come—and how badly I wanted it.
“Soaking wet already, isn’t she?” Caine punctuated the question with a sharp slap to one cheek. I gasped with the sudden pain, but the glow was already sinking through my skin.
“Getting wetter. I think she likes when you spank that little ass, Caine.” Jonny circled my entrance. Caine landed a stinging blow on the opposite cheek. The hard touch drove me onto Jonny’s invading finger and sent more moisture to ease his entry. His knowing look made my cheeks heat, but——oh, God, this feels so good—right now, I didn’t care what he thought.
“What’s a car, Shelby?” Caine demanded, gripping the spot where one of his handprints bloomed with one huge hand. “If you want to sit down for dinner, you’d best remember what I told you.” Tugging me open, he dragged a calloused fingertip over my pucker, still squeezing one butt cheek.
Like I heard it yesterday. “A one-ton cock.” I whimpered as Jonny began to thrust. “Just a thousand pounds of rigid steel and driving pistons.” Jonny leaned forward, sliding his tongue over one rigid nipple while he picked up speed with his finger. I waited, torn between dread and delight. He bit down so hard, tears sprang to my eyes. A bolt of lightning danced down an invisible wire to my clit, exploding like thunder in my clitoris.
Caine pressed a kiss to my shoulder. “Good girl. And who’s gonna climb on top and take it for the ride of its life?”
“M-me.” Jonny’s aggressive finger bang made talking a challenge.
Caroline wailed. “No fair. Shelby has a pit crew and I don’t. C’mon over here, Caine.”
“Woman, how many times do I have to tell you no? You look too damn much like Colt.”
An interesting peek into the man’s ethics. He’d watched Colt’s sister fuck half the county. He’d let his brother and Brandon sell us both. He’d seduce his brand new stepsister, but he drew the line at fucking Caroline because of her face?
Heat suffused me and my legs started to quake.
“Oh, no you don’t.” Caine wrapped an arm around my waist and yanked me backward, causing Jonny’s finger to slide out of me. A hard slap to my ass sent fire streaking over my butt. “Shelby, you almost climaxed. Bad girl.”
Goddammit. I need to come.
Hanging over his arm like a sack of flour, I scowled at Jonny, who glanced toward the Viper when Caroline
yelled, “Well, can the new hottie give a little comfort to the enemy now?”
“Hell, no,” Caine drawled. “When you race one Hannah, you’re racin’ the whole damn team.” Being included in his ‘team’ stirred something inside my chest that had nothing to do with sex.
He patted my bottom, firing new sparks. “Pull those tights up, grab your shirt, and get behind the wheel. Seriously, Shelby, if you wanna drive a new Audi back to school, you need to practice.” He lowered me to the ground. “Caroline, let’s do this!”
Jonny handed me my shirt with a cocky grin. “I have to say, I’m looking forward to watching you eat her out.”
I patted his cheek a bit harder than necessary. “Oh, she’s the one going down.” I worked the tights over my butt and grabbed my shirt off the top of the car.
“Fuck me, she looks sexy when her eyes throw sparks.” Jonny groaned, then leaned in to drag his tongue across my nipple. My hands shook, making it a challenge to turn the shirt right side out.
“Okay, we can’t fuck all damn day,” Caine said. “Best of three gets head, how’s that?” I huffed, earning another pat on my ass. Amusement rang in his tone. “Oh, don’t you worry, your pit crew’ll keep your motor running in between.”
Caine sent Jonny in the truck to video the finish line. Climbing in beside me, he didn’t speak while we fastened the harnesses. Leaning across the console, he pointed to a pair of red buttons that were barely visible beneath the dash.
“Nitrous. You’re sitting on two full canisters. She might win this first heat. She won’t win another one. You just hold it between the lines and shift. I’ll hit the button, and then, you’ll see what that blower can do. Ready?”
I turned the key, feeling the engine come to life. The Mustang idled rough for a moment, then smoothed out. I let my eyes drift closed so my heartbeat could sync to the heavy rhythm.
“Ready?” Caine yelled. I revved the engine, keeping my rpms up. I opened my eyes in time to see his smile.
“Set!” I let the clutch out a bit and gripped the shifter.
“Go!” Caine slapped the car door.
I let the clutch all the way out and stomped the gas. The front end of the GT500 reared, but the rear wheels gripped, and the car jumped forward. Caroline got off the line ahead of me, but by the time all my rubber hit the road, I was already shifting into second gear. I wasn’t thinking about the Viper, but rather, about the day she taught me to shift in the parking lot at the high school.
Moving into third, every night I’d spent out on this road flowed through my head. I forgot about Colt and his mysterious promise to make us even. I forgot to wonder why Caine seemed to think things between us were straight. I forgot all the lonely nights spent at school, feeling apart from everyone.
Tearing past trees that blurred into solid walls, sweat gathered underneath my breasts. The throb in my pussy urged me into fourth gear. The engine’s whine dropped to a roar and I pressed the gas.
When I streaked past a large black shape, I realized that was Jonny and the truck. I tapped the brakes.
Ahead of me, Caroline’s taillights flashed.
“Dammit!” I stomped the brake pedal. The dark confines surrounding me broke apart into single gray trunks, dotted with soggy green pines.
“Whoo hoo! Hell of a run, Shelby. You made her work for that.” Caine bounced in his seat and jammed his arm out the window to slap the roof.
“Grr.” As soon as I could get the car stopped, I slammed the tranny into reverse and hit the gas again, using my rearview to be sure I didn’t run off the road.
“Aw, someone hates to lose.” Caine’s chuckle only pissed me off more.
“They teach girl-on-girl at Converse, right?” Jonny yelled as I passed. Lifting my knee to steady the wheel, I shoved my hand out the window and raised my middle finger.
While we lined up again, I demanded, “Tell me about the nitrous. What to expect.”
Caine shifted his long legs and ran a hand along one safety strap. “It’s like kickin’ a horse that’s already running flat out in the ass with some sharp spurs. You’ll pick up five hundred horsepower in a blink. So, be ready for that rush and don’t let her veer.”
Caroline’s grin when she reversed into place next to me swept aside the trickle of alarm Caine’s explanation brought.
She blew me a kiss. “I can feel that tongue already.”
“Imagine it real good, because that’s as close as you’re gonna get.” I gunned the engine, drowning out her response. Caine shook with laughter.
I snapped, “Let’s do this.” He started the countdown chant.
When Caine yelled, “Go!” I was off, slamming the clutch in and shifting into second, despite the way the front end reared. That gained me precious time. When my front tires came down, I made up the short distance Caroline had gained in a blink. The Viper stuck to my side like a burr while I worked through third gear.
“Ready?” Caine leaned across the console and reached underneath the dash. I didn’t feel the jolt he said to expect. Maybe I was too busy feeling the rush of adrenaline when I nosed ahead of the Viper. The engine whined, but I slammed the clutch in and popped the gearshift into fourth. The trees whipped by. The yellow dashes in the center of the road blurred into one stripe.
I spied the truck up ahead and had nothing left to do but stomp the gas pedal and pray the Mustang had one burst of speed left in her, somehow.
Caroline’s blond mane was still parked just ahead of Caine’s shoulder when we flew past Jonny.
“What happened?” I demanded, popping the clutch and tapping the brakes.
“Looks like Colt’s lazy ass forgot to refill his tanks.” Caine wiped his hand down his face as I slammed the brakes. The rear end of the Mustang slid all the way around. I spun the wheel with a loud growl. I didn’t give a damn about the way the tires shrieked or how close we were to the side of the road. The car came to a stop facing the way we’d come.
I glared at Caine’s sheepish look.
“He did what?” I gripped the wheel and shook it with all my might.
Caine threw his head back and laughed. I thought about clawing his eyeballs out while he spluttered.
“Shelby, look what you did without it, honey. You were right there beside her all the damn way. This is an eight-cylinder. Yeah, it’s bored out and all, but you lost by an eyelash, to a brand new V-10, Lamborghini-designed engine with a six-speed tranny. If you hadn’t hesitated, waitin’ for the nitrous to kick in, you’d have beaten her.”
“I gotta eat pussy!” I shrieked.
His eyes danced with mirth but he didn’t smile. “Yeah, that’s true, but thank God, Jonny called me out here. I sure as hell wouldn’t wanna miss this.”
“Bastard.” I wasn’t waiting for Caroline to reverse past me. I knew the little bitch would be crowing. I hit ninety racing to the start line again, throwing the car into a hard three-point turn while Caine laughed his ass off.
“Need gas,” I snapped. Still laughing like a hyena, he rolled out and fetched a can from the bed of his truck.
When I heard Caine’s phone ring, I knew damn well it was Jonny.
“Shelby’s goin’ do-ow-wn,” Caroline sang when she’d backed up beside me.
Okay, I couldn’t help but laugh. The only thing left to do was to beat her ass this time, so she didn’t think her damn car was all that, then make her ass scream. I was oddly turned on by the idea of getting Caroline off while Caine watched. And it’d still be a moral victory if I could entice Caine to fuck her. I figured his reluctance had more to do with Colt than anything else.
I had to get something out of this, after all.
Caine slung the empty gas can into the back of his truck. When he returned to the car, he said, “For fifty bucks, I won’t take pictures.”
“For free, I’ll tell Dale you made me lose so I’d have to eat cat.”
“Ouch.” His grin faded. “Dad ain’t into that shit, so I reckon you’re safe.”
I blin
ked. I could buy that Dale would be disgusted by the thought of two men having sex, but... “Not even girls?” I thought that was every guy’s fantasy.
“No, and absolutely not you two, for sure.” He shook his head. “That’s way too freaky for the old man.” Caine rubbed his chin. “But watchin’ you two go at it has been at the top of my Christmas list for years.”
One more fucking crack like that and I won’t hesitate to throw the damn race.
I had the feel of the car now. In order to beat her, I couldn’t give one bit. I pushed the clutch down to just the right spot.
“Ready!” Caine barked.
“Set!” I sucked down a breath.
“Go!” The front end of the GT500 jerked into the air. I didn’t give a damn that I could see asphalt, all I cared about were the precious few feet the rear tires gained while I popped the clutch, ready to hit second as soon as I touched down. By then, Caroline had a half-car’s length on me, but I made that up in a blink. Waiting until after she shifted to move into third, I jumped out in front. I held off shifting again until I thought she was doing the same, then shoved the clutch in.
I held the gas to the floor and yelled, “Go, you little bitch, go!” but I was already flying past Jonny and the truck. Nothing interrupted the ribbon of gray ahead. I puffed out my cheeks and turned to give Caine a defiant glare, gearing down and tapping the brakes so I could make the turn and go to the cul-de-sac.
“Well, didn’t take long to get you back into racing form. Damn good job, Shelby. She ain’t gonna like that her new toy got beat the first day outta the gate. Tomorrow, you’ll own her ass, right?”
Caroline tapped her horn. I glanced into my rearview to see her ride right up to my bumper. She cut into the opposite lane and roared around the Mustang, giving me a brake check when she cut back in front.
“Oh, I’m about to own her ass right now.” I tossed my head and hit the brakes, letting the Viper turn into the side road ahead of me, as tradition demanded.
“Jesus, you two are ruthless.” Caine laughed so hard the car shook.