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Turn and Burn Page 13

  “Follow us!” Caine bellowed when I made the turn. “You don’t wanna miss the celebration in the winner’s circle, J.J.”

  I slammed to a stop beside the Viper. Caroline was already skipping around to the front end of the car, but I took a moment to look straight ahead. The fringe of tall weeds and scrub I recalled had become woods. Trees grew right up to the cement curbing that had always been the only finished thing out here. The light pole was nearly hidden among a ragged stand of slender trees. Broken limbs, piles of leaves, and discarded condoms littered the cul-de-sac.

  I wondered if Caroline was thinking about the night the sheriff had come out here to confiscate her Dodge. If so, she didn’t let that stop her from yanking off her jeans.

  “Whoo hoo!” She shimmied onto the center of her hood.

  One thing was for sure. After this, I was done feeling guilty about her scholarship. I jerked the hand brake and slung the door open.

  Jonny wheeled Caine’s truck into the asphalt circle while I got out of the Mustang and rounded the Viper’s front end.

  A piercing whistle filled the air as Caine jogged up behind me. “Make her cream, loser.” His hand came down hard on my ass.

  Caroline leaned back on her elbows, crooking a finger. She grinned while she spread her legs wide. I eyed the trimmed strip of dishwater blonde hair above her slit, then turned my gaze to her left thigh. The tattoo was black ink, but no tribal or flower design for my girl.

  “Love the tread mark. Does it go all the way around?” The Viper was so low to the ground, I’d have to kneel, so I grabbed her jeans to use to cushion my knees.

  “Yep.” She wrapped a hand around her knee and pulled it to her chest to show me the back of her thigh. “Hurt worse than labor when he used that liner needle on that strip of skin right under my ass. Just didn’t last as long.”

  As always, Caroline’s giggle made me laugh. I slid my fingers across the tattoo in the spot she’d mentioned. The design was wider than my hand. The sharp needle had left raised skin in its wake. Goosebumps rose on her inner thigh when I traced the shapes that formed the racing treads. Her eyes darkened and her smile faltered.

  Jesus, Caroline was gorgeous when her pupils went wide and her lips parted. Arousal flushed her cheeks. She didn’t seem to have cut her hair since graduation. The long mass of waves spilled over the hood. Her breasts had always been larger than mine, but since having her baby, they were lush, tempting mounds beneath her sweatshirt.

  Caine and Jonny moved in on either side. I slid my arms underneath her pale thighs. The scent of her arousal met my nose as I leaned in and pressed a kiss to her soft inner thigh, below the thick swath of ink. Working my way up her leg, I eyed her slit and the tiny cowl of flesh at the top.

  I wasn’t here to seduce her. The task was to get her off.

  Might as well make this memorable.

  With the after-effects of the race still shooting through my bloodstream, I went straight for her clit, teasing the nub with the tip of my tongue while I tuned in to my own throbbing body. Her taste exploded on my tongue.

  She let her head fall back. “Mm, so good. Winning. Feels. Good.”

  Oh, hell to the no. I had to shut her up—and hard.

  I pushed my finger into her. She was wet and soft and she tasted quite good. The warmth of the hood burned into my breasts and seared my hard nipples. The curving fender snuggled into my belly. Caine’s knee—I thought it was Caine’s knee, but I didn’t much give a damn whose it was—nudged the crease of my ass.

  Changing tactics, I dragged the tip of my tongue through her slit. Each time I reached the top, I circled her clit.

  Caroline arched and moaned. Pushing her ass off the hood, she drove her mound against my face. Her cries rang loud in the quiet circle, and each one seemed to find a spot inside me. She tried to clench my head between her thighs.

  “Oh, hell, no.” Caine slapped his palm on her thigh, pushing her leg to the metal. “J.J., get the other leg. Hold her open.” When Jonny touched her, the sight of hard male hands spreading her made my juices flow. I just stared for a moment, while envy pierced my gut. My heart raced, recalling how it felt to be pinned down while someone fucked me.

  So our greedy audience wanted a show? I darted a look to the side, eyeing the rising bulge in Caine’s jeans. Lifting my head, I added a second finger. Touching her clit with the index finger of my other hand, I gave her a flurry of hard thrusts. I didn’t have to look to know that Caine’s eyes were riveted to the motion of my hand.

  My pulse danced in my clit as I leaned in again, swapping fingers for tongue. I thrust into her, pushing my hands underneath her ass to lift her closer to my mouth.

  “Fuck me, my goddamn cock’s gonna explode,” Jonny croaked.

  “No-oo.” Caroline’s dazed eyes drifted in his direction. “Save that for me.”

  “Shirt off,” I raised my head to demand. “Someone’s gotta do the nipple work for me. Any volunteers?”

  “Goddammit.” Caine groused, stepping back. “You gotta do it, Jonny.”

  “Hell, yeah. Count me in.” Jonny wasted no time reaching for the hem of Caroline’s shirt and ripping it over her head. Caine went to his knees behind me. He ground his rigid cock against my ass and leaned over my shoulder. Reaching around me, he brushed his palms across my breasts. My nipples responded to the light touch with a strike of lightning to my clit.

  “Lick that little pussy, Shelby,” he ordered. “Make her scream, baby.”

  Jonny twisted one of Caroline’s nipples. She jerked her hips off the car. I let her go, just to give Caine the bird’s eye view of her pink slit. When she dropped her butt to the hood, Caine wrapped his fist in the hair at my nape.

  “Stick out your tongue.”

  I centered the point at her entrance and stiffed the muscle. Caine pushed me forward. My tongue sank into her, then he pulled my head back. Again and again, he pushed me forward, only to drag me away, controlling the tongue fuck. I rocked against him, wondering how I could get him to drop his pants.

  “Finger her again,” Jonny demanded. “I wanna hear how wet Shelby’s got you, baby.” Caroline’s moan was more ragged this time. Jonny turned her face toward his and dropped his head to kiss her. Caroline’s juices coated my fingers. She clenched and let go, rocking to meet each thrust.

  “That’s right,” Caine urged in my ear, “find her sweet spot and take all your frustration over losing out right there.”

  I pulled away to watch a thin stream of her cream slide from her slit—or rather, to give the view to Caine. He groaned and ground his cock against me so hard that the fender bit into my belly. His breaths came hard and hot against my cheek.

  “Come back,” Caroline panted. “So fucking close.”

  “Ride me to glory, baby.” I laughed, adding a third finger before I leaned in again. This time, I sucked her clit and the surrounding flesh into my mouth, but dug down to find the hard pearl with my tongue.

  Caine’s rigid cock was a taunt. I’d never needed to be fucked so damn bad in my life. I took every bit of that frustration out on Caroline’s clit and pussy, thrusting and licking until her ass jerked off the car.

  “Fuck, yeah, that’s a girl. Come on. Let go and cream all over her face,” Jonny demanded. “Give it up, baby. You earned this. I wanna fuck you so damn bad, you gorgeous bitch.” He pressed down on her soft tummy. I angled my fingers to collide with his hand.

  “Oh. Ooh, oh!” Caroline cried. Her body stiffened. She tried to slam her thighs closed, but Caine’s fast move prevented that. I pinned her clit between my lips and licked as fast as I could, eying the way his hands dug into her soft skin.

  “Omigod!” Caroline’s pussy clamped tight around my fingers while she bucked. “Can’t. Take. Any more. Stop, Shelby, stop!”

  I let go. “Don’t you want just one little taste?” I whispered to Caine.

  For one heartbeat, he eyed her fluttering opening and I held my breath, waiting for him to reach past me and drive his f
inger into her. His pupils were blown wide, but he shook his head.

  Pushing away, Caine got to his feet. He held out a hand to help me up.

  Oh, that self-control’s gonna cost you. I will defeat it.

  “Excuse me, please, gentlemen.” I grinned at Caroline while I toed off my sneakers and jerked off my tights. Draping them around Caine’s neck, I leaned over the hood, placing one knee between Caroline’s spread thighs. I parked a hand beside her waist and offered Jonny my wet fingers. He sucked them into his mouth, dark eyes flashing.

  “Fuck me, now I feel like the red-headed step child.” Caine’s voice was hoarse.

  I turned to Caine and dragged my tongue across my lower lip. He crushed his lips to mine. I forced my tongue into his mouth, thrilling to the knowledge that he tasted Caroline when he began to suck. Caroline ground her clit against my knee with a whimper. I shifted lower. My clit was so swollen, I almost climaxed when it came into contact with the narrow strip of hair above her pubic bone.

  Caine drove his fingers into my hair, twisting the mass and taking control of the kiss. Caroline ground against me and I ground against her. Breaking the kiss, I grinned into Caine’s intent eyes.

  “If I know my girl, she could use a hard cock about now, Caine. Got one for her?”

  Caroline grabbed my shirt. “Oh, yes, please. That’s all I want for Christmas,” she whispered. “If he fucks me, take pictures.”

  Caine slapped my butt, hitting a spot that he’d struck before.

  “Bad, bad girl. You just wanna see Colt try to kick my ass.” Gripping my chin, he slammed his lips onto mine again. He kissed me so thoroughly, I thought he’d pick me up and fuck my brains out, but I had to grin when he wrenched away and strode for his truck.

  Backing off the hood, I eyed Jonny and gave her mound a firm slap. “Guess you gotta be the man.”

  While Jonny ripped a condom from his wallet, I skipped to Caine’s side. He jerked my tights from around his neck and balled them up to fire at me. Catching them with a grin, I leaned against the side of the truck in order to don them again. At my side, he scowled, feet crossed at the ankles, and arms locked across his chest.

  “You’ve had a taste now,” I announced, pulling the tights up. “Just a matter of time till you weaken.”

  “If you hadn’t gone all skittish in that first run, I could be fucking you.” He grabbed my hips. Spinning me in front of him, he wrapped his arms around my waist. Jonny stepped between Caroline’s thighs. His buttocks were the same golden color as the rest of the man. I clenched my channel in frustration while watching him fuck Caroline. He fucked like a wild thing. Her ragged cries filled the silent woods. It wasn’t long before Caroline’s toes started to curl.

  Jonny’s jeans slid down his thighs.

  His wallet fell out of his back pocket. I couldn’t even hear the sound it made when it struck the pavement, but the echoes of jeers and shouts filled my head. My vision went black, then Jonny’s ass came into view again.

  The humid air made it hard to take a deep breath.

  I’d only been out here an hour and I’d already gone native. What the fuck was wrong with me?

  “I have to get dressed for the portrait.” I ran for the GT500.

  Chapter Fourteen

  I donned a more sedate dress than the one I’d worn to the party. I had no idea where my desk had gotten to when Caine reclaimed his bedroom. The basement, I supposed. This room wasn’t large enough to hold it.

  The mirror to my old French provincial suite hung over my dresser, but the lighted mirror I used to use to apply makeup was also missing. The single bulb in the overhead light would never do for putting on makeup, so I grabbed my cosmetic bag and made my way down the hall.

  The bathroom door was locked. I banged on the panel with my fist, but no one opened the door. Mom rushed out of her bedroom. Dale followed, still fumbling to tie his necktie.

  “Shelby, we’re going to be late.” Mom scowled at the hot curlers in my hair.

  “Then tell whoever the hell’s in here to unlock the damn door.” I glanced at Dale’s jeans, then did a double-take. “I thought you said we couldn’t wear casual clothes?”

  “Open up and let her in.” Dale’s voice boomed in the narrow hallway. “I, uh, forgot to pick up my other suit at the dry cleaners.” His expression turned mischievous, while Mom rolled her eyes. He dropped his hands on her shoulders and gave her a squeeze that made her squeal. “I swear to God, Macy, it was on my list. Right underneath ‘get a prostate exam.’ I don’t know how I overlooked it.”

  Mom jerked free and scowled. “You aren’t even funny.”

  Caine unlocked the door. “Sheesh. Come in, but Colt just stepped in the shower.”

  I brushed past Caine and slammed my makeup bag on the counter, raking their crap into the sink to make room for my stuff.

  “Then, I guess you need to find his ass a towel.” I unzipped the bag and set out the items I planned to use.

  “Shelby!” Mom leaned into the room and grabbed my arm. “Didn’t you hear Caine?”

  I shook off her hand. “I heard him. Jesus, Colt might’ve been the first guy I ever saw naked, but he won’t be the last. I promise I’ll survive the shock of seeing him step out of the shower. This is the only decent mirror in the house.”

  Dale cleared his throat. Mom’s mouth twisted in dismay. “You can use the one in my bathroom.”

  I shrugged. “I’m here now.” There she goes again, worried I’ll be the one to stain the family’s honor.

  “Hey.” Caine leaned over my shoulder to glare at me in the mirror. “I thought I was your first?”

  Mom made a strangled sound. It was a shame my stepbrothers were douchebags. They could be a lot of fun.

  “Macy, they’re just yankin’ your chain.” Dale took her by the elbow.

  “Well, I know that.” Her narrow-eyed look belied her words. “We have to leave now to go pick up Dale’s suit. I swear on my mother’s grave, if y’all all are late, I will return every gift and spend the money on myself.”

  Caine slid past me, giving my ass a friendly pat. “Don’t yell at me. I’m good to go.”

  I watched from the corner of my eye. He crossed the hall to my old room and grabbed his jacket from the closet. Muscles bulged under the thin cotton shirt when he shoved his arms into the sleeves. The deep blue suit brought out the color of his eyes. He disappeared behind the open door, but when he stepped back into view, he held two ties. I wrinkled my nose when he held up the one with ornaments on it, and was relieved when he slung the striped one around his neck.

  Not bothering to knot it, he paused outside the bathroom door again. “See y’all there. Guess I’ll ride with the old folks.” His eyes dropped to my ass.

  I kept dotting foundation on my face, but my mind was on the rough way Caine touched me before the morning’s run.

  By the time Colt slammed the shower door open, I had only mascara and eyeliner left to apply, and thirty-five minutes left until the appointment.

  “So you know, I made Caine put the camera in that speaker. I thought I’d get you on tape, talking to some old friend about your mama’s new scam or some shit. Then, when it turned out you didn’t have any friends at your old school, Caine figured out that, even though you acted all touch-me-not, you had the hots for me.”

  I fought the blush that crept up my neck, even though the effort was futile. Not only was the prick standing less than two feet from my elbow in all his wet, naked glory, but the only way anyone could’ve known whose name I cried out when I masturbated was by watching those damn videos very closely. The camera I’d broken didn’t have audio—that I knew of. I didn’t appreciate him ripping the bandage off old wounds.

  “Yes, we know I was young and dumb. And Caine’s your minion? What a shock. Moving along. Do you know who’s buying the ‘Cuda?”

  I jerked open the linen closet door and slung him a towel.

  He promptly used it to dry his hair. “Just let me get this off my chest
. So, I told Brandon to bring you out to the drag races that first night in order to humiliate you. I had no problem fucking over Dad’s new princess.”

  He still had those corded ropes of muscle along his hipbones. Were those damn things implants? The place where he kept a couple of spare cocks, just in case something happened to the Whopper?

  My cheeks were scarlet now, and dammit, Colt would think I blushed because of my girlish crush. He was so arrogant.

  “So, I thought we’d take you out to the drag races and maybe fuck you. You weren’t exactly hard to seduce.”

  Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. I schooled my expression into a mask and grabbed the eyeliner pencil.

  “Caroline was in on it.”

  My heart fell and I met his eyes in the mirror. Not Caroline. I’d bent over backwards to protect her from knowing.

  Of course. Why hadn’t I seen that before? Her loyalty was to Colt. Always had been. Always would be. They shared a blood bond, same as Colt did with Caine. I just couldn’t seem to stop tripping over the fact that I was the only true outsider here.

  I felt stupid for bending over backwards to protect her, when she’d been in on Colt’s little scheme. How long had they been laughing behind my back?

  He flipped the towel over his head, grabbing a corner in each hand to dry his back. Like water wasn’t running down his chest and abs? I jerked my attention to the mirror, but instead of my eyelids, all I could focus on was Colt’s limp dick.

  “Then, you did the unthinkable. You actually sacrificed something to save her car. At first, I thought it wasn’t much. After all, you were ready to give it up to Caine not two minutes before.”

  If he doesn’t move off that point.... I glared at the low-hanging flesh between his legs.

  Wait. He means Caroline was in on the plan to fuck with me. I knew that. She’d admitted that after the sheriff tried to confiscate her car.

  “But it meant something to Caine.”

  What? I squinted at his face. “Not... Caroline?”

  He propped a leg on the edge of the tub to dry it. “Oh, it meant the world to Caroline, too, but I was a lot more worried about Caine. See, he’s Dad’s carbon copy. So, he was already programmed to fall for you, if for no other reason than you were Macy’s mini-me. It’s not me who has the thing for redheads, it’s him and Dad.”